Available Paintings
About Vasilis Vagiannis
Ancient Greek
Greek Scenery
Symbols in my paintings
Available Paintings
Art Exhibiotions
Available Paintings
(90x120) cm With the frame - 1.500€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(120x170) cm With the frame - 6.000€
(70x90) cm With the frame - 1.300€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 1.500€
(70x90) cm With the frame - 1.100€
(70x140) cm With the frame - 1.800€
(100 x 120) cm With the frame - 1.800€
1.700€ - (90x130) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(80χ110) cm With the frame - 1.500€
(80x110) cm With the frame - 1.800€
(70x90) cm With the frame - 1.200€
(70x120) cm With the frame - 1.400€
(120x160) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(80x100) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(100x140) cm With the frame - 2.100€
(70x90) cm With the frame - 1.800€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 4.600€
(90x110) cm With the frame - 1.600€
(90x110) cm With the frame - 2.000€
(70x120) cm With the frame - 1.900€
(80x110)cm. With the frame - 1.000€
(70x90) cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(100 x 140) cm With the frame - 4.700€
(90x120) With the frame - 2.000€
(80x110)cm. With the frame - 900€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 2.300€
(90x120) cm With the frame - 1.800€
(100x140) cm. With the frame - 1.500€
(50x60)cm. With the frame - 550€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 2.300€
(100x140) cm. With the frame - 1.500€
(90x110) cm. With the frame - 3.000€
(90x110)cm With the frame - 2.000€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 1.700€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 1.400€
(80x110)cm. With the frame - 1.900€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 1.300€
(100x130) cm. With the frame - 1.600€
(100x140) cm. With the frame - 1.800€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 1.500€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 2.500€
(80x130)cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(100x120) cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(90x120) cm With the frame - 2.800€
(40x80)cm. With the frame - 550€
(90x120) cm. With the frame - 1.300€
(90 x 160) cm With the frame
(50x60)cm. With the frame - 350€
(90x120) cm. With the frame - 900€
(90x110) cm With the frame - 2.400€
(40x50)cm. With the frame - 350€
(90x160) cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(80x130) cm With the frame - 2.100€
(70x90)cm. With the frame - 900€
(90x130) cm. With the frame - 1.900€
(100x120) cm With the frame - 2.300€
(100x140) cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(65x130) cm. With the frame - 1.200€
(65 x 130) cm With the frame - 1.100€
(80x130) cm. With the frame - 1.300€
(90x110) cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(70 x 120) cm With the frame - 1.100€
(70Χ90)cm. With the frame - 1.200€
(65x130) cm. With the frame - 1.100€
(80x110)cm. With the frame - 2.000€
(90 x 120) cm With the frame - 1.200€
(70x120) cm With the frame - 2.100€
(90x110) cm. With the frame - 1.400€
(90x130) cm. With the frame - 2.200€
(100 x 120) cm With the frame - 2.000€
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